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China aim to build Maritime Silk Road with ASEAN Community

The Chinese Foreign Minister also answered reporters' questions during the 48th ASEAN foreign ministers meeting in Kuala Lumpur. Wang Yi said China hopes to connect its 21st-century Maritime Silk Road with the ASEAN Community. 

The Chinese Foreign Minister also answered reporters' questions during the 48th ASEAN foreign ministers meeting in Kuala Lumpur. Wang Yi said China hopes to connect its 21st-century Maritime Silk Road with the ASEAN Community.

Wang alos said:"The Maritime Silk Road must pass through Southeast Asia. Throughout history, China and Southeast Asian countries have traded goods, communicated and jointly developed our economies through this maritime silk road. This is a good tradition. We hope to connect the construction of the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road with the future ASEAN Community." 

Wang Yi said the key to connecting the ASEAN Community with China's Maritime silk road was discussing and constructing the project together, in order to share and enjoy the benefits together. He stressed that this is not China's project alone, and that China is seeking shared development and common prosperity with ASEAN countries.


(Source: CNTV.cn)

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